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Lord Jesus Christ, you are the "true vine, we are the branches... Let us remain in you, just as you remain in us" (John 15:4).
Today I pray for diversity without the divisions that come along this beautiful development among us when we learn to accept one another amid our many differences in color and cultures, traditions and roots. May we focus more on what is common among us than on what differentiates us from each other. While it is true that we have to keep some of our traditions from the past, make us realize the need to always assess its centrality to our faith in you as well as its meaningfulness in our practices. Keep us open and sincere in keeping up with the signs of the times without losing sight of you, dear Jesus as the very core of our being together as one Body, one Church.
May we emulate the Apostles and the presbyters to enter into a dialogue in resolving issues of differences among us (cf. Acts 15:6), a very fine example of your kind of peace being given to us that calls for sacrifices and dying into one's self, exactly the meaning of being pruned like the vine in order to bear much fruit in you (Jn.15:2-3). May we always focus on you, Lord Jesus, so that we may keep our communion intact amid our diversities. Amen.