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I beg You to pardon me, Jesus, for my arrogance. I ask You to pardon me for my cowardice in bearing witness to You. I beg You to forgive me for my refusal to forgive, for keeping grudges, for my refusal to allow the Holy Spirit to heal my woundedness and mend my brokenness. Jesus, I am sorry for my untruthfulness in words and in deeds; for the hypocrisy that accompanies my actions. Jesus, I am sorry. I am truly sorry for the sins of impurity I have done to myself, that I have committed against other people. I am sorry for my unchaste thoughts and conversations.
Pardon me for lying, for my sacrilegious Communions. Pardon me, too, for taking You for granted and for taking the poor for granted. Pardon me for my sins against Your priests, for my failure to be a good Catholic, for my reluctance to come to the defense of the Church when she is attacked. Jesus, You are so good. I have failed to be good; I have failed to learn Your lesson. Pardon me. Forgive me.
I thank You, Jesus, for pardoning me, for making me new, for making me fresh in Your powerful name. I thank You. I love You, for the countless blessings You have given me in spite of my sinfulness. I beg You to sustain me. I ask You to be with me, Open my heart and remain in my heart. Open my heart and see the rot, the dirt, the filth that I entertain within. Stay in my heart, unworthy though I am. Purify my heart of every sinful tendency.
I am clean because of You. Amen
Jesus In My Heart