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Dan 7:13-14
This passage from Daniel introduces the title “Son of Man,” often associated with Jesus. In this vision, the Son of Man contrasts the four beasts representing historical empires opposing God’s reign (7:1-9). Symbolically, he embodies God’s reign and represents the saved people of God, who will gain dominion over the earth (7:18). Yahweh, depicted as the Ancient One, signifies eternal nature (7:9), while the Son of Man possesses universal and perpetual authority. This understanding of the Son of Man is individualized in Christ, who likely adopted the title, and it is widely used in the New Testament as a Christological reference.
Rev 1:5-8
The reading connects strongly to the book of Daniel, highlighting the role of God and Christ as pivotal figures. It describes Christ as a “faithful witness,” (Gr: martos), one who testifies to God’s truth even to the point of death, “firstborn of the dead,” the first of many followers to triumph over death in a resurrected life, and the “ruler of kings,” emphasizing his triumph over death and sovereignty (v 5). Christians are portrayed as a “kingdom of priests” (v 6), serving as intermediaries between God and the world. The salutation concludes with a doxology, and Christ’s return is depicted in glory, visible to all, including his adversaries. The terms “Alpha and Omega” (v 😎 signify God’s eternal nature, encompassing the beginning and end of history.
Jn 18:33-37
The text discusses the theological significance of Jesus’ appearance before Pilate, focusing on the concept of Jesus’ kingship. Pilate’s question (v33) reflects the accusations of the Jewish authorities regarding political insurrection. Jesus implies he understands the source of these accusations and clarifies that his kingship is spiritual, not competitive with earthly power. He has no militant followers to defend him (v36). Jesus indirectly answers Pilate’s question (v37), revealing his purpose to reveal the Father and God’s plan of salvation, which is the ultimate truth. Those who embrace this truth become part of Jesus’ kingdom, which operates on a higher, spiritual level, distinct from political claims against him.
Jesus is the “Son of Man” whose dominion is everlasting and whose leadership is unbreakable. He has come to life anew and will return as the sovereign at the end of history, bringing salvation to his people as their king. May we, who are saved by the King of the Universe, serve him with majesty and continually proclaim his praise. Amen.