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You know my secrets. I open my heart to You today and I ask You to show me the ways I have blocked the flow of Your love. Forgive me, Jesus, for all my sins, for all my faults and failings.
For all the times I have gone astray, forgive me. I am deeply sorry for all the times I lacked faith. For the time I acted in fear instead of in faith. For my unbelief in Your goodness, pardon me Jesus. You are so pure. I ask forgiveness for sins against holy purity. For feeding my lust with unclean books, pornographic movies, sexual fantasies.
Jesus, I turn away from all these activities. I want to return to You. Jesus, I am sorry for my compulsive and addictive behavior, for my excessive food and drinks. Jesus set me free. I am sorry for not taking care of my physical and emotional health, for not eating the proper food. For not resting enough, for being too busy, for being too lazy to exercise. For the unhealthy suppression of my emotions. Lord, my body is Your gift to me. I promise to take care of my body. I am sorry for the times I hurt other people; for not returning the things I borrowed. For my lying, my deceit, my flattery. I regret not having affirmed others; for resorting to cold treatment and inconsiderate behavior. I am sorry for gossiping, betraying the confidence of friends and violating their trust. I repent for any envy, hatred, resentment, unforgiveness, jealousy, unfair criticism and judgment of others. I repent for withholding expressions of love.
Jesus, I now bring before You those areas in my life that I am most ashamed to bring to You. Areas I have hidden – my personal habits, my secret guilt – dark facets I have previously refused to bring to You. I bring to You these areas of which I am most ashamed of. Lord, I will no longer hide them from You.
Today is my day of healing, my day of freedom, my day of total liberation. I am sorry for these offenses. Jesus, I embrace Your forgiveness.
Let me share Your forgiveness with others.
Jesus In My Heart
November 7, 1994