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Jesus said to his disciples, "I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father" (John 15:15).
Lord Jesus, thank you very much for this great honor of being called your friend, for this great status of being your friend, of having known everything you have heard from the Father, that we are loved, we are forgiven, that we are cared for.
How sad, dear Jesus, so many times I have not been a friend to you by not believing your words, of refusing to believe that I am loved by the Father, that I am your friend.
There are times also, dear Jesus, that I refuse to tell others how they are cared for, how they are loved and even looked up to; so unlike the Apostles and presbyters who affirmed Barnabas and Paul as co-workers with the Lord, as his friends too when they wrote the believers in Antioch, "we have with one accord decided to choose representatives and to send them along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, who have dedicated their lives in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15:25-26).
How lovely were the Apostles and presbyters here in recognizing the labors of love for you by Barnabas and Paul! Here they have shown their intimate friendship in you, dear Jesus and with Barnabas and Paul.
To be considered as your friend, Lord Jesus means to consider others as my friends too, especially fellow workers in your vineyard, fellow shepherds of your sheep; To be considered as your friend, Lord Jesus means to recognize your friendship with others not with me alone; To be considered as your friend, Lord Jesus means to tell everyone what you have told us too about the goodness and dedication of our fellow workers in you.
Teach me Jesus to truly love you and to love like you, willing to forget myself, to let go of all recognition and honor because it is only when you are made known and glorified that we truly experience deep joy inside, when we have done your most holy will. Amen.