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Your words today, O God, are so reassuring and most of all, refreshing; I feel so blessed with you as our Father, so loving and merciful!
I know that if ever we are charged in court for our sins against you as expressed by your prophet Micah today, we would all end up guilty as charged; we have no alibis nor excuses to make except we have been stubborn and so proud, and yes, ungrateful to all your love and blessings; no amount of any sacrifice and offering we can give you will suffice to remove our sins but here you are, God and Father, full of love and tenderness asking us only one thing:
You have been told, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Open our eyes, open our minds, open our hearts to your presence, to your coming in our Lord Jesus Christ; let us not harden our hearts to see your presence among us most especially in the little miracles you shower us daily like waking up every morning filled with life and love in our family and friends. Here I am, Lord, welcoming you into my life as you make me share in your life daily. Let me not look for any other signs for to be able to pray to you in Christ is more than enough proof of your love and forgiveness. Amen.