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Your words today, O Lord, invite me to examine closely where is my heart especially after all the triumphs and gains I have had lately, after being showered with your many blessings.
When Solomon was old, his wives had turned his heart to strange gods, and his heart was not entirely with the Lord, his God, as the heart of his father David had been.
1 Kings 11:14
Keep my heart entirely yours, Lord; I am afraid that like Solomon, I may have also been like him with my heart being stolen from you by the very blessings you have showered me with like health and some degrees of comforts, triumphs and successes.
I do not ask for more pains and sufferings, dear Jesus; just keep my heart closest to you always like that Syrophoenician woman in the gospel who begged you to heal her daughter possessed by the devil; she was witty and wise in her answer to you: "Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps" (Mark 7:28) that you have her child healed.
So many times, Lord, in our wisdom and intelligence, we rationalise everything to justify what we want and what we do like Solomon; so many times, Lord, our wisdom could not prevent our being ruled by our hearts and selfish interests that we keep on doing what we know is not right and sinful; so many times, Lord, we try other paths forgetting that you are the only WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
Help me imitate St. Scholastica, the twin sister of St. Benedict, whose minds and hearts have always remained united in you, dear Jesus that even in the end of their lives, not even death could separate their bodies as they shared just one grave. Amen.