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I do not want to say that we find you, God because the truth is it is you who find us always; that is why, I prefer saying meeting you. So often, you find us but we do not meet you at all because we look for you, always expecting you in great things and spectacular sights and happenings, in shows where we are the focus not you, where we are heard and you are disregarded. Teach us to be patient and silent like Elijah, awaiting for your passing in the most simple and ordinary things like the tiny whispering sound. O dearest Lord, forgive us in our many inanities of trying to meet you in great things while we indulge in little things we consider as harmless and nothing at all like a simple look at women filled with lust that reveal great tendencies of corruption within us. May we learn to take care of the little things in our lives that truly matter most when aggregated into a whole. Amen.