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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Thursday in the Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year I, 20 July 2023 Exodus 3:13-20 >><)))*> + >><)))*> + >><)))*> Matthew 11:28-30
Let me come to you, God our loving Father; let me come to you in Jesus Christ to take his yoke and learn from him, so I may be meek and humble of heart (Matthew 11:28-30).
Let me come to you, God our loving Father like Moses, openly and humbly wondering at your majesty in the burning bush, in the many events happening in my life I take for granted and missed you.
How funny, O God, you always desire we become free, we become lighter from our burdens as you called Moses to liberate your people and sent Jesus to save us; and yet, we always suspect you of keeping us prisoners, of not wanting us to be free, of hindering us from pursuing and doing whatever we wanted.
Let us learn and realize, O God how you value freedom so much that you gave it to us as your most wondrous gift that we have unfortunately abused; let us learn and realize how your Son Jesus Christ had to suffer and die on the Cross so that we may experience true freedom; let us learn and realize, Lord, that freedom is being free and faithful to you always through our loved ones and mission in life. Amen.