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The people of the town were insisting that Jesus stay with them. They had fallen in love with Jesus. He was not only a wonder worker, not only a healer and miracle worker; Jesus was already their friend. And when you have a friend, you would want that friend to stay with you for a long time.
Jesus had established a friendship with the people of the town.
They appealed to him, “Stay with us, do not leave us.” What the people could not then understand was that even if Jesus had to leave for the next town, Jesus still had the capacity to be in their town. What the people failed to appreciate was that when people love, they have the capacity to be present in many places at the same time.
After Jesus healed the mother-in-law of Peter, the old woman, now well again, began to serve them. And when Jesus saw that Peter’s mother-in-law was serving, He said to Himself, “It’s time to go.” Because for as long as there is someone serving, “I am there.” Even if Jesus had gone on to the next town, He was sure that the mother-in-law of Peter would be serving. And He was certain that where there is service, there God is also. Where people love one another, where people understand one another, where people choose to forgive and serve one another, selflessly, God is there.
How many hours will we spend celebrating the Eucharist?
Not even an hour, 40 minutes at the most, and then the host dissolves in our mouth. But the Lord’s presence—real presence—will continue when people love, when people understand, When people forgive, when people teach one another the ways of God. Do we have Jesus even when the celebration of the Eucharist is over?
Jesus comes to us as a Sacrament. His body and blood are given to us. But Jesus comes to one another through us. Let us, therefore pray that God’s presence may be shown to each one of us, not only as Sacrament, but also through the service and love we give one another.
Lk 4:38-44
Looking For Jesus