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Your words today, O God are not only disturbing but also puzzling; it is disturbing for us who continue with all of our fake religiosities that are more of a show than an intimacy with you. Your words through Isaiah should awaken us to be more truthful, to show more our love for you in our actions that are just and fair to others.
“Trample my courts no more. Bring no more worthless offerings; your incense is loathsome to me. Your new moons and festivals I detest; they weigh me down, I tire of the load… learn to do good. Make justice your aim, redress the wronged; hear the orphan’s plea; defend the widow.”
Isaiah 1:13, 14, 17
Your words are also puzzling, as spoken by Jesus Christ your Son who declared:
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.”
Matthew 10:34
Puzzling and disturbing are your words, Lord, and we thank you for disturbing us, for puzzling us: may we have the courage to confront our true selves, strip ourselves naked of our pretensions of being good and faithful so we may be true to your call to be holy and just, loving and merciful; so many times, even in our religion and faith, it is not you whom we put first but our very selves.
Through the prayers and examples of St. Benedict, may we put Christ before everything by thinking more of others than of ourselves; may we always begin our works by appealing to Jesus our Lord to bring these to perfection and lead us to everlasting life. Amen. St. Benedict, Pray for us!