Veritas PH


Remembering and Celebrating God’s mercy as a forgiven and forgiving community


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World Apostolic Congress on Mercy 4
Bishop Teodoro Bacani Jr
Novaliches Bishop Emeritus
National Shrine of Padre Pio, Sto. Tomas Batangas
Day 3

The title of my talk is remembering and celebrating God’s mercy as a forgiven and forgiving community. I do not know many of you saw that very touching beautifully film the notebook, how many of you saw that film the notebook will you raise your hands? I was fortunate to see only the second half of it I turned on my TV and that barber and elderly man was reading from a notebook with an elderly woman. And he kept doing it day after day I was to learn later that this elderly man was the husband of the elderly woman she was reading to and that elderly woman was sick with Alzheimer’s disease she could not remember anything and the reason the man kept on reading from the notebook which was the notebook of the woman where she wrote their love story. Was this he was hoping that hearing those words and that story the woman would remember again and one day his hope was rewarded he was reading to her the woman called his name and she said “Noah?” and what followed was were moments of pure bliss pure happiness as they talk together and then the man pop the question, sabi niya what if we can no longer remember? ano kaya kung hindi na tayo makaalala.

The Filipinos here remember the song “maalala mo kaya?”diba? and he said what if we can no longer remember but soon enough he got the answer to his question as they were dancing the woman suddenly relapse back to her Alzheimer’s and then not knowing who the man was with him dancing she pushed him away and said, who are you? What are you doing? Very frantically it was very sad when she stop remembering. A yes it is very sad when we can no longer remember and that is why Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are such dreaded sicknesses mahirap pag hindi kana makaalala because when you no longer remember you were like a tree uprooted to the soil because remember what the philosopher say we live in the present we draw motivation from the future yes but we also draw life from the memory of the past and when can we no longer remember more than half of our life is lost in fact we seem like the living dead when we no longer remember.

And that is why we we remember important personal event like anniversaries, wedding anniversaries at least if the still love’s the woman pag wala pa siyang number 2 pag may number 2 na baka sabihin na kanyang asawa alam mo ba kung anong araw ngayon? Oo miyerkules, hindi yung petsa? January 18, o wala ka naalala? Wala, ano hindi mo naalala ang wedding anniversary naten ngayon walang hiya ka.

It’s terrible not to remember such date and we we remember ofcourse the important national events like the martyr of Dr. Jose Rizal December 30 or like the martyr of Ninoy Aquino we want to remember those days it is very bad if a person lose his memories.

It is very bad when a people loses its sense of history its memory the past. By the way remember it can save you I was just talking about, there is the archbishop he was talking about the great tsunami that killed two hundred fifty thousand people about ten years ago and he said in one place the people remembered the story of their grandparents of an eruption happened four hundred years before some people many of the people that place remembered it and so when they heard the tremors you know what they did? Remembering what did happened to their grandfather they ran away to the mountains do you know how many died? Of the two hundred fifty thousand people only one died.

It is good to remember it might save your life and the lord Jesus, sorry lets go back to Israelites they were told by the lord to remember God wanted his people to remember what he had done for them especially the great event that especially highlighted his mercy the exodus from Egypt from his land that is why God commanded the institution of the past over feast, you can look from exodus chapter twelve. And after prescribing the ritual this is what God said to Moses and to the people this day shall be a memorial feast for you which all your generation shall and will celebrate with pilgrimage to the lord as a perpetual institution, and God repeatedly reminds his children to his people of his great intervention in the history, you know the ten commandments? Begin in his first reminder of the lord. I the Lord am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt exodus chapter twenty verses two the remembrance of God’s deeds for his people were to be a source of great joy for them and the reason to praise and thank God and to live according to his will we see this result especially in the blessed Virgin Mary how she rejoice because the lord done great things for her and she could remember that the mercy of the lord was from generation to generation to those that fear him. Zachariah also who have rendered damned unable to speak when his tongue loose he started praising the lord blessed be the lord the God of Israel for he has come to his people to set them free. Good to remember it makes you happy to remember saving, see that so many of the Sons you see that in so much of the Old Testament and then when the New Testament came of course the lord Jesus did greater things than were done in the Old Testament. He had also his own pass over his Pascal mystery which was the chief saving event of his whole life death, glorification this was the event the new exodus from the land sin to the land of grace and the lord Jesus sure that would be remembered on the night he was betrayed he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples and said take this bread and eat of it for this is my body given up for you and then he added in the account of Saint Paul do this in remembrance of me, after the supper he took the chalice and again give thanks to the God for the wonderful works of God in the Old Testament and then he handed the chalice to his disciples saying now this the new covenant in my blood it should be poured down for you and for many forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me.

He wanted us to remember because he wanted us to live he wanted us to remember because he wanted us to be happy he wanted us to remember so that we might live the true life we are seeking to bring to bring in abundance and so he said do this in remembrance of me of course we know that indeed it is a remembrance of the passion, death and resurrection of the lord but let us not forget that the commandment of the lord was do this in remembrance of me he wanted us to remember him and what did he who is Jesus Christ? Who is he? Do we know? Do we remember who he is the scriptures the book of God remembering the book which God wants us to remember his deeds tell us who he is, he is only the begotten Son of God of God the Father. The word who is God in the beginning and who is truly the God, but he is not the only God he was sent by the father into the world our world out from the Father’s factum of the love and mercy and by the power of the Holy Spirit became a human being like us in all things accepts he was conceive by the blessed Virgin Mary without her loss of her Virginity in her part and was born of her whom was rightly call mother of God hence Jesus who frivolity is one with the father God in unity with the father became one of us in time he who is God became and remains Emmanuel God with us in solemn tones Saint John says in his fallout and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us at ang salita ng Diyos na kasama ng Diyos mag pasawalang hanggan kay isang Diyos ang Ama ay naging tao though he was in the form of God he emptied himself and took the form of slave according to Saint Paul that is the humanity of children of Adam he took on our sinful humanity so that he might be Jesus Yahweh saving his people from their sins according to Matthew chapter two verse twenty one the men who should be condemned then because of their sins he came out of God’s boundless mercy fallen humanity might be raise up once again to their dignity of people made one in the image of likeness of God and indeed Sons and Daughters of the heavenly father that in a nutshell is who he was of course of human words that he can never fathom the depth later on I will try to help you appreciate the beauty of his words but you know do we even know that, do we even remember that? According to saying of father Beltran for example among the informal settlers in smokey mountain he found out that the majority of he was serving is Catholics did not know Jesus was God, he did not know, they knew who’s the Nazareno maybe then you know Santo Nino but who is he, who is he? Do they know that he’s the only begotten Son of Father many do not know maybe you do not know I don’t know whether you might be like that woman whom I interviewed for the first pre marital interview sabi ko are you Catholic iha? Do you know your faith? Yes she confidently said then I said let’s see how many Gods are there? One God she said, and then I said how many persons? Three very confident, sino sino? Who are they God of Father God the Son, finally she can find the words then she said God the mother. Ayun, eh baka naman pag dating kay Kristo sasabihin tao yan hindi Diyos yan tao lang propheta lang mabuting tao lang pero tao lang that is what Iglesia ni Cristo keep on telling our people and they convince many of them because our people catholic people know better. And now let us turn to what he did according to Saint Peter he went about doing good and healing all he were oppressed by the devil his first work is a messiah was to liberate people from them sins he was given the name Jesus precisely to signify the facet of his mission he will be called Jesus because he will save his people from their sins human being needed liberation from sin first of all because the first and worse is slavery, slavery of sins many people sometimes do not realize they think if your free to move around if your free to move in a Mercedes Benz and live in a big home you are free my friend and my friends who works prisoners and he was prisoner himself said bishop I was framed up I did not commit of what I was accused of but finally I was freed and now I can move around there are people who are moving around who are no free because the bars that keep them in prison are in their heart the bars selfishness and you know when you have those bars of selfishness you are really not free you cannot do the good that you want to do you cannot avoid the evil you know you should not do don’t believe me believe Saint Paul when he says that in Romans chapter 7 and finally Saint Paul say’s the name of such a person miserable man in that time who will free me from this body that is bringing me death that is the slavery of sin the worse one and Jesus came to free his people from their sins. So he preach the repentance to the people for them to welcome God’s liberating kingdom he taught them to ask forgiveness from the father and he also forgives sins the sin of paralytic Capernaum who most very surprised he wanted healing from his paralysis and the first words of Jesus take care Son your sins are forgiven you Jesus knew what was more important he forgave the sinful woman who public express her faith and repentance washing the feet of Jesus with her tears and pouring ointment on them he instituted the Eucharist for the forgiveness of sins and after his resurrection gave his disciples the power to forgive sins in continuation of his mission and breath upon them the holy spirit who in the liturgy we call the forgiveness of our sins because he is who empowers the priest to forgive.
Christ Also came to free people from the effects of sin thus he made the blind see the laid walk and the deaf to hear. Sickness is an effect of sin not that every sick person is sick because of in the personally committed but it was true sin that death and sickness went into the world. He cleansed leprosy which was not only a skin disease but deprive people of participation in the life of Jewish Society at that time and he raise the dead to life. This is the ultimate effect of sin for our earthly life and he dispelled the darkness and religious ignorance by preaching the good news he freed people from the devil his exorcism tested parts of the gospel he drove seven devils out of Mary Magdalene drove out the devil infested in man and many others. He freed people fear also. Fear this enslaves people this prevents them from acting fear encourage and enables the disciples to trust in God the father and in the spirit who will be with them when they confront persecuting powers. Look at Matthew chapter 10 the work of liberation from sin its ally and effects where unnecessary preliminary the more important part of the work of Jesus was to raise up the dignity of the people he claim the man and women might have life , life in abundance eternal life a sharing in the very life of God no less than the life of children of God according to Saint John to those who receive him he gave power to become children of God he declared to the oppressed and the poor that they were children of God their provident and merciful father. He made people feel great again bishop Ambo here one of his homilies sa kauis the publican he said walang tumitingala kay Zaccheus no one looked up to Zaccheus why? Not only because he was only 4’10 feet in height pandak but because he was considered rich though he was a corrupt man earning money illegitimately Saint Paul says and he was a rich man very kind did not disclose the source his richness to anyone and he said besides that he was considered collaborator of the roman occupier nobody look up zakis and when Jesus passed for the first time as he was clanging there on tree Jesus looked up to Zaccheus and said to him come down Zaccheus I must stay in your house today. Zakis came down welcomed the savior you know what effect that it have it change the man so when he heard the whispers of the people against Jesus alam niyo naman bandang huli babalikan ang gumagawa ng mabuti yun pang gumamagawa ng mabuti ang babalikan this man has entered to the house of sinner and eats with him, zakis now came to defend Jesus and he stretch himself to his full height 4’10 he showed out to all he was when he said I give half of money to the poor and if I have cheated anyone I give it back to him four folds and he receive the first beatification ever Jesus said today salvation comes to this house and then he said this man too is a Son of Abraham. That is Jesus he wanted the worse to become the best and remember that Samaritan woman who kept secret of that she have five husbands and she was living two was not her husband she was hiding that from Jesus. Then Jesus said call your husband and the sister said I have no husband, Jesus said your correct. You’re like a politician you know how to say something without revealing the truth and engage with the conversation it ended in a revelation to her that he was the messiah that they were waiting and the woman became the first missionary of Jesus he ran back to the town and her secret became part of the good news forever. He has told everything that everything that I ever done hindi na kinakatakot once the secret even the sinfully brought to Jesus it is touch by him more than a Midas touch and it becomes the riches of God for the gospel. And you remember again that thief hanging on the cross condemned all that he could ask for was a remembrance and Jesus promise her today you shall be with me in paradise can you imagine how people felt when Jesus is around, you can some have idea of that when we saw Pope Francis, Pope Francis would embrace the ugliest of the ugly the poorest of the poor and how the Filipinos responded in not only hundreds but in thousands and millions because they knew this man value them that this man never drive them away would never kill them no matter how poor they were no matter how kind that they have become he will see this later. A quotation from Pope Francis and so Jesus raised up people their dignity and united people he insisted because according to Saint Paul the plan of God was to gather into all things under Christ as head and so he preach love on fellow men expanding the meaning of neighbor even to ones enemies not only the relatives, friends to be loved but even the in lovable the poor and one’s enemies is a good lesson for us Bishops and Priest especially pagkadumadating ang benefactress o benefactor ganito ang mukha ko patawarin mo ako ganito din ang mga obispo “mabuti dumating ka! Hali ka hali ka mag breakfast muna tayo, kumain muna tayo” yan pag ang benefactress umalis sasabihin “babalik ka ha?” nakaalis na darating ngayon hindi na benefactress mukhang beneficiary. Ngayon hindi na sinasabi “mabuti dumating ka!” sabi “anong kelangan mo?” pag sinabi ang kelangan the rest of the day “tara mag kape muna tayo” sasabihin “maghintay ka dito” pag balik naman pag aalis naman sinabing “babalik ka agad ha?” hindi na pos a kaloob loob “sana wag na bumalik” kung ano ang ng yayari but he Jesus loved the poor even showed them a love of preference and he commanded people to recognize and urge forgiveness to those who have offended us he made his own love for us the measure and standard of the love his disciples should have for one another and he told us that the love he showed to the needy is shown to Christ himself and is decisive for our salvation. You know sometimes I have reflected the Lord said whenever you did it to one of these one’s you did it, you never say never did it to one of my bishop and cardinals it was to me you did it but he said if you did it to one of these least it was to me. Hindi pa natutuhan yan ng maraming Katoliko ang mas masarap na kapampangan meron kaming kasabihan If you want to eat whale you go with the priest when he celebrates mass. Makapangan bobi, you will be able to eat pork and if you’re a congressman your pork barrel pa. You will be able to eat pork and then you will leave with the lard of the pork on your lips smacking good. Ganyan pa if you are with a priest kasi it’s not the list of brethren that we look to, look up to, but Christ said the list he not only fervently for the unity of his disciples but even when so far was to die on the cross to gather together the scattered children God and after his ascension to the right hand of the Father he sent the holy spirit to his disciples to gather them as one body and to enable them to work for the unity of mankind. Makita ninyo and definition ng simbahan sa premier document the church is a sacrament that is a sign of the intimate union of God and the unity of all mankind and an instrument for this union and unity that is what the church is, church is a sacrament a sign and an instrument of unity which grant God’s will for all mankind and then most importantly Jesus brought God to people and brought people to God by word and examples by actions and sufferings Jesus proclaimed and brought about reign of God. He himself is the kingdom of God in person because in him the will of God is perfectly realize since he always did what was pleasing to his father his will and work he declared to be his food. He became obedient to God even suffering death the worst kind by crucifixion and it was because of this that he was glorified and won for God the salvation and the glorification of all mankind. Unless a grain of it falls to the ground and dies it remains alone but if it dies it bears abundant fruit. My dear brother and sister’s look at you, look at the people around you, look at the millions and millions of believers of Christ look we are all the fruit of the work and the suffering and the glory of the lord Jesus Christ. While already pressing God’s reign in kingdoms through his life and ministry he foretold and prepared for the full realization of God’s reign kingdom at a time known only to his father the apostles’ spoke of this future fulfillment as a new heaven and a new earth, a new heaven and a new earth wala na masyadong basura wala ng away no? lahat ng luha ay mapapahiran na there will be no longer be any sickness and the last enemy will be overcome his death and we will all be alive all alive praising God, and God will be all in all. My dear brother and sister’s Jesus has all achieve this by all his presence his words and his works which continue even now reminded by the letter to the Hebrew’s his choice and formation of his disciples and the church his passion, death and resurrection and his ascending of the holy spirit through all of this his person, his presence, his words, his actions, his sufferings and death and resurrection and ascension and descending of the holy spirit and through all that he did liberating people from sin its consequences and allies raising up the dignity of people uniting people with one another and most of all uniting people with God while expecting future fulfillment, in other words dami ko na pong sinabi paiiksian ko nalang in other words in all of the whole Christ event Jesus was revealing the mercy of the father, for Jesus is the face of mercy of the father as Pope Francis reminds us Jesus himself said that he was in the father and the father was in him he who see’s Jesus, see’s the gather also Jesus is the human face of the father, revealing the fathers love and mercy and so Saint John in his first letter writes in this way the love of God was revealed to us, God sent his only son to the world that we might have life through him and this is love not that we have not love God but that he love us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins he saw through Jesus Christ we have come to know that the name of God is Agape, what is Agape? It is not a love that seeks to posses it is an conditional love, that the love given to even the most unworthy and given to the max not patak patak all his fullness we receive grace following upon grace my translation is that part of me if I’m not to accurate Patong patong na biyaya yan ang gusto ng Diyos grace following upon grace and this is what he keep doing he wanted us to remember but now I said that I will comeback just so that we may come to know the measure the true measure of Christ sabi ko kanina eh it’s important to know who it is we are remembering.

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Veritas Editorial

Rev. Fr. Anton CT Pascual

Rev. Fr. Anton CT Pascual

President of Radio Veritas

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