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We do not choose the narrow road simply because it is narrow. Otherwise, we would be called the religion of the narrow road rather than Christians. But the narrow road carries with it many opportunities and blessings.
On the practical side alone, if you are driving and the road is very narrow, you have to drive very slowly and carefully, because you might hit the sides of the road. That is one of the blessings of taking the narrow road. It makes us more careful and prevents us from being careless and reckless.
We are being asked to choose the rough road, and we wonder because it seems very impractical for us. We usually like wide, asphalt or concrete roads. They are easier to traverse. But when we take the narrow passage, we have to navigate with extreme care and caution, so that we can avoid the potholes. It is the same way with the road of life.
The Lord also says that there are few who take the narrow road. Why is it a blessing that there are only a few who take the narrow road? It is so because there is security in numbers. When there are many of us, we become more confident, less wary. We feel safe in numbers. But if there are only a few of us who take the narrow road, it makes us more discerning, more careful, and it slows us down, because we know that haste makes waste.
The problems in life carry with them blessings. The narrow road invites us to take it one step at a time, because haste makes waste. And those who go through life with great care reach their destiny surely.
Mt 7: 13
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