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For the second straight day, you have amazed me, dear loving God and Father when your words speak of previous topics I have prayed and heard from you: yesterday was about getting lost that continued our Sunday reflection; today is the same scene last Friday on the memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel when your Son Jesus Christ stretched his hand to point at his disciples as his family:
And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother." (Matthew 12:49-50)
Today I wonder, if you would allow me to be funny and a little naughty or even dare to ask you like Abraham before you burned Sodom and Gomorrah: What if Moses did not obey you and refused to stretch out his hand over the Red Sea? Would you still part it so the children of Israel would be able to cross to safety? Would you still save them, God? Would you still part the sea to let the people go?
Please forgive me, Lord for my silly questions that sincerely came to me as I prayed over your words today, convincing me more than ever that even if Moses did not stretch out his hand over the sea, dear God, you would have still saved them because whether we obey you or not, you would still love us, reaching out to us in loving mercy, even giving us your Son Jesus Christ.
That is your nature, O God: you are love, you are the perfect Being always existing, always reaching out; despite the evil in the world despite our choosing sin instead of you, you continue to love us, forgiving us, blessing us because you will forever be our Father.
Take away our pride, fill us with the humility of Christ who stretched out his hands on the Cross to restore our relationships with you and one another, forever reminding us we are yours, always loved and cared for since the beginning for we are all interconnected in you our God, our Creator. Amen.