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Praise and glory to you, God our loving Father, in coming to visit us daily in your Son Jesus Christ our Lord!
Thank you for always believing in us, for who are we worthy to be visited by you and be given with importance? And that is who we are, beloved and blessed because you chose to love us, to believe in us, and trust us.
Keep us humble like Mary in Jesus our Lord, that we are your mere carriers, that whatever greatness and attributes we have are all a grace from you; keep us aware of our nothingness before you.
Let us not be misled by the ways of the world based on value systems of popularity, personal excellence and superiority; so many times it happens that we are merely Christians in a sleepwalking existence, thinking and believing we believe and follow you when actually, we are just dreaming, we are just imagining for we are so far from reality.
Wake us up, Jesus, from our sleep, wake us up to the realities of life that we need to work hard like Mary walking from afar, daring to sacrifice everything so your coming and presence in the world be felt especially by those who badly need your care and healing, your love and mercy.
Forgive us, O Lord, for not believing in you that you love us, that you have a plan for us, something beautiful if we would only believe like Mary that your words will be fulfilled.
May we always welcome your coming, your daily visits to us like Elizabeth, always open to receive you and listen to your words, and to be blessed. Amen.